Thursday, October 12, 2017


We had a unique experience while in Beijing.  We were taken to Hutong. An old, poorer part of Beijing.

a tidbit from the internet:
People say that the real culture of Beijing is the culture of the Hutong and Courtyards. How true that is. They attract more tourists from home and abroad than the high-rise buildings and large mansions.

Hutong is a Mongolian word meaning water well. At nine meters (about 30 feet) wide, it is the name given to a lane or small street that originated during the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368). Now they have become representatives of local culture, thus it is the first choice for people who would like to learn about the local history and culture.
This part of the tour was optional... we had dinner prepared in one of the homes.. and then a rickshaw ride through the narrow streets. I didn't get a picture of the dinner...It felt rather cramped in the home... The food was good...

it has a "slum" feel to it.

cook and Brian, our tour guide, in front of the house where we had dinner.

18 Rickshaws showed up to give us a ride through the alleys (hard to call them streets, they were so narrow)

Janet & I are ready!!!

Here are a couple of videos... short clips of our rickshaw ride through Hutong.  You can get a feel for how they live... it's funny, it has a poverty feel, yet they can afford new cars, cell phones... and if the cooks home is any indiction, high end electronics (we say a project screen/projector and 60" plasma TV in his home)

anyway, a part of China that is so totally different that the city/high rise area of Beijing.

until we meet again!

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