Monday, April 24, 2017

Lots of planned activities while at sea

The group on Cruise Critic Community Board for this first half of the cruise has been crazy busy...  Lots of activities spaced out over the 6 days...

  • a pre-cruise dinner get-together in Miami; 
  • There's a sail-away party for the whole ship as the ship leaves Miami (we'll find each other cause we're wearing mardi gras beads)
  • We have a meet & greet the first full sea day.  There are over 250 of us!  crazy! we will all have name tags with our name as well at our CC name (mine, surprisingly is gagoh) Anyway the officers of the ship will come and introduce themselves and it will just be a big social hour.
  • We are having a group dinner...  the list was capped at 120 people!!!!!!!
  • There's a pub crawl...  
  • mini golf tournament... 
  • slot pull... 
  • ice bar get together ( just like it sounds... solid ice bar... you wear heavy insulated coats and get two drinks, I think martinis (yuk to the cold and the martinis) ) 
  • several times we'll play LCR...  (we each start with $3)
  • plus some other stuff...
  • Cabin Crawl (I'm organizing this one... and I'm a little OCD about it) I've set up 7 cabins for people to look at (because we are all nosy to see what the cabins are of everyone else, right?)  there are over 100 people who want to participate.  Well it would be near impossible to have 100 people trapse through the cabins at one time, so we're splitting it up into groups of 10.  To make it a little more interesting, I'm including a poker run.  Each person picks a card at each cabin.  it's cost $5 to participate.  after we're all done best hand and 2nd best hand will split the pot.  Since the groups of 10 are going to be spaced out, I have a scavenger hunt planned, by the designated groups. Not sure how many will participate... but it should be fun.
  • the other planned item, which I'm participating in as well, is the Horse Race.  there are 6 horses/jockeys... and 6 bookies...  the race happens by the roll of a dice.  numbers 1-6 assigned to a horse.  There's a prize for the most original... again, here's my OCD jumping into play.  I had to consider my packing as to the size of the horse.  So mine is a paper carousel horse.  Here's my horse, Cloud Walker's bio:
Cloud Walker has her head in the clouds with lofty dreams. She’s spirited, whimsical, fun loving, and carefree. Also stubborn and independent! She’s looking for adventure since going around in circles was getting old.  Galloping around the world looking for lots of new adventures is in her future. She’s ready to run with the wind and win the race!
You see, Cloud Walker was a carousel horse.  Life was a stream of circles. All day long she would run in circles going no where. Up and Down, round and round. At night, she would do nothing but dream of better days. 
Then one miraculous day she was retired from the merry-go-round of life and started many new adventures. She took off running, her mane flowing through the wind. As she kicked up her heels, she started galloping around the world, always looking for a new adventure.
On her next adventure, she’s been challenged to a race. She knows the other horses have stories, but hers is so life-changing. 
periodically I've posted poems... I won't bore you with all of them... but here's a fun one that I posted:
There was a carousel horse with dreams
who watched the world spin by in reams.
She wondered what it would be like
to run, swim, or most likely, to hike.
The chains that held her to the ride
were heavy and clanky and all she could do was sigh.
But a miracle happened a year or so ago,
and the shackles were dropped just missing her toe (I mean hoof)

She danced around with energy to spare
where to go first, and most of all, what to wear?
Fast forward to today as her dreams are coming true
she’s going on a cruise to travel the ocean blue.

She heard of a race on a TA in forty-four days
And how she could win big to help pay her way.
She dressed up in her fancy outfit of ribbons and cord,
and pranced her way to the cruise critic board.
So here is Cloud Walker, full of vim, vigor & dance
looking for people to bet on her elegant prance.
It’s only five dollars to bet she will win
and to miss this great chance will most likely be a…. bummer.

So join in the fun during those long sea days,
it will bring laughter and fun and maybe even pays!

I've posted a couple more poems, but like I said, I don't want to bore you, and this is already getting way too long. so here's a picture of my horse...  I've also made name tags for the jockey (me) and the bookie...

 ok, it's time to stop playing around... packing and cleaning are on the agenda!

Until we meet again...