Saturday, April 29, 2017

and the trip begins...

I'm sitting at 30,000 feet, on the second leg of my trip. First leg was pretty uneventful... I slept... almost the whole  time. The white noise lulled me to sleep over and over...  I'm bummed, I missed my little bag of peanuts. (ha ha).  Now on the second half I'm trying my darndest to stay awake, otherwise I'll be ruined for tomorrow. We were served the most scrumptous dinner.  The main entree was smoked Gouda Ravioli with vodka sauce.  I'm going to have to see if I can find this recipe... yum...  I took a picture with my tablet, but it was too dark... but I had a linen placemat and real silverware! It was fun being waited on like we were!

I had an interesting email Friday morning. It was from my tour host for St Petersburg Russia.  It has been determined that the only payment they will accept from this point forward is either a credit card (charged in rubles) or rubles. Well dang! you have to order Rubles... at the bank and even at the airport.  Most likely Chase won't approve of a charge in Russia (they say there's a lot of fraud there.)  So I'm between a rock and a hard spot.  I've got an email into them to see if there's any other options. I had already purchased Euros to pay for the tour.  I will be so bummed if I can't take the tour.

The weather is gorgeous in Miami... what a relief, I thought I read that it was going to be thunderstorms!

well one more thing and then I'll go...  Through the years of travel, I've learned I had to be organized or else I wouldnt know where I was going or what I was going to do... so through the planning, all emails pertaining to the trip goes into an email  folder... then about a week before the trip I print the important stuff and carry it with me in a peechee.  Well....  this trip seems to have many more facets to it, so I found that a peechee wasn't going to cut it... so here's a pic of my 1" binder...

Crazy, right???  well hopefully I'll have all my ducks in a row!!!

until we meet again!

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