Friday, May 12, 2017

in the middle of the atlantic ocean...

Putting aside the 4,000 passengers, and 1,800 employees, this cruise is very peaceful.. The sun is shining brightly, but a cool breeze keeps me from totally roasting!

Last night we had a solo meet & greet... you won't believe how many solos are on this trip... my guess, a minumum of 50 showed up for the get togeh
ter, but I heard there were more thank 150.... probably more.  We went to a show together, then 12 of us had a late dinner... what an eclectic group! we had several retirees, but some were just on holiday.  people from Florida, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Boston, Melbourne Austrailia, Deleware - I think a couple more places.. and this is just with the 12....

This morning at I got up early, though it was mostly for self-preservation.  the bed killed my back and hips...  I kept waking up... struggling to turn over and get comfy... it mostly didnt happen.  The reason?  I have a memory foam mattress, the bed in my cabin is hard as a rock.  I asked the steward to put a topper on it so I could sleep a little better... hopefully he did this.

So, since I was up early, I decided to walk the deck.  There's a running track that works perfect.  Besides getting some good exercise,  I caught some beautiful sun rise (we'll a little more up thank sunrise.)

We had our Cruise Critic meet and greet this morning... it was the biggest group to date... all the officers of the ship came and were introduced to us.  Then we did a gift exchange.  Each of us brought something from home to share with others.

I just took a dance lesson... latin dance Bachata... pretty simple... it will be interested if it compare to the dance taught in Vancouver..

until we meet again...

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