Friday, May 12, 2017

its my birthday...

It's my birthday today.  I turned 65, an age that seemed so far away as a kid...  where did the time go?

This morning I got up around 8:30am...  spent ssome indulgent time in the spa (which included a little nap!)  when I came back to my cabin. I found it decorated with birthday ballons, banner and decorations. It made me sigh... and I also got a birthday cupcake and card...

 looks like some of my fellow cruisers remembered and took care of me.  what a wonderful feeling! Tonight they are takiing me out to dinner to celebrate.

it's been an interesting few days since I last wrote. The storm was too much, and dangerous for the ship to dock so we didn't get to stay at the Azores.  kind of disappointing! do that makes it a 10 day straight for sea days... sign... tomorrow we will be docking in Brest France.  I don't have an excursions planned.  Just going to wander around town doing the touristy thing.

The ship has so many activities that it's hard to not find something to do...  Every evening there's some kind of dancing venue.  Last night was country western dancing... they taught 4 lines dances... not exactly what I was looking for, but still fun... I did get to 2-step and waltz with the cruise director.  (an interesting tact, Silas (cruise director) grew up in Grants Pass, OR...

oh, and I have met 3 other people from Vancouver, WA!  I heard there are some from Camas, but I haven't connected with them.  What a small world.

well it's kind of layed back and relaxing, so no big adventures, yet.  maybe tomorrow.

until we meet again...

PS  My birthday even got better...  there were 8 of us that went out for dinner for my birthday. we went to the japanese resturaunt Teppanyaki.. What an amazing experience! here's a couple of videos of the chef as he prepared our dinner on a grill as we sat around it.

The food was outstanding!  Then, Patty (who arranged the decorating of my room) arranged to have a birthday cake made for my birthday (pictured here). and the cake was delicious! not sure how I could eat it after that huge dinner.

Afterwards we went to the 70's disco dance, which worked off all that eating at dinner...

what a wonderful celebration with 7 new friends that I only met 10 days ago.  I'm so humbled by the experience.  My special thanks to Patti! (here's a pic of Patti and myself at dinner)

until we meet again,


  1. What a great 65th birthday! It will definitely be one of your most memorable. Have a Happy Mother's Day celebrating with your crew. The picture of you and Patti didn't come through.
