Monday, June 12, 2017

Rotterdam, day 2

Ahoy Maties! I found it difficult to post to the blog during my cruise... wifi was at a premium price and free wifi was sketchy at best.  So this post will be the first of the "catch-up" posts...

Rotterdam, The Netherlands... day 2

Several of us got the hop on, hop off bus to explore Rotterdam...  the thing that struck me the most was the architecture...  creative... unusual... enjoy the pics (click on the picture for a larger image)
How odd...  This a an apartment building
The cubic house (got this image from the web)

We took the HOHO to the "marketplace" but it was considered a holiday since Rotterdam's team was playing soccer, so we were unable to get inside.  it was amazing from the outside.  I took a few pictures, though I don't think they did the building justice.
The building... apartments on the outside, inside is the market place.

peering into the building - and through the building

A closer look (flowers were gorgeous)
You can see the ceiling has been painted into a masterpiece
Here's a better picture at night (found on the web)
 There was a lot of police presence because of the soccer game.  The stadium was close by, you could hear the chanting.  Everyone walking around before the game were either in jerseys or scarves representing their team.  After we were back on the ship, you could hear yelling as a parade of people walked across the nearby bridge and a fireboats had water plumes...  they won their game.

crowds cheering on the bridge while fire boat  sent plumes of water in the air.
artistic view of bridge
Rotterdam was a beautiful city. The day is now done and we're off to our final destination of this leg of the trip...  Copenhagen Denmark.

until we meet again

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